Friday, August 24, 2012

Going out to eat on GF diet

Wow...this is a tough one.  Especially for our family.  We go out to eat ALL the time!!!  The kids are so used to going out to eat at least once or twice a week during the week - they really don't know what to think about the fact that we have had dinner at home all week long...they are begging me to go out to eat tonight...but I'm so scared they won't eat GF out...and I won't have the strength to say "no"...  So - this morning I was doing a little "research" as to kid-friendly GF foods at some of our favorite restaurants... Here are some of my findings:

Macaroni Grill - (here is link to "Allergen Information" menu) they have several items on the kids menu - AND they carry GF pasta.  Kendall's favorite meal is macaroni and cheese...and they have a GF version of this!!  Yippee!!! Good for Kendall - but Carson...well...I would try to get him to eat a grilled (not fried...) chicken breast and broccolini (??)... Yeah right!  He's not the one I'm as concerned about - but I want to try to stay consistent between the two of them.

BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse - (here is link to "Food and Allergen Sensitivities" menu) pretty much the ONLY thing GF on the kids menu here would be applesauce, steamed veggies, or veggies & dip.  Yep....not happening.  However- they do have a GF thin-crust pizza on their menu.  We could get one of those for the kids...and most likely not hear too much squawking.  I have heard that they have a GF pizookie - but I don't see it on the menu...will have to check that out...

Carrabba's Italian Grill - (here is link to GF menu)  Doesn't look like we will be bringing the kids here anytime soon...  All they have for kids is grilled chicken and veggies.  You would think that with as big of a chain as they are - they would be offering some GF pastas by now... oh well

Outback Steakhouse - (here is link to GF menu).  Again - either grilled chicken breast, burger with no bun, ribs or steak and veggies or baked potato (their french fries are not GF - probably because of the seasoning used).  Kendall LOVES their mac n cheese...and I can't see convincing her to have the chicken or burger...yeah right.  Same with Carson.

As to our local favorite, Napolatano's   - I think they have a GF menu - but it isn't posted on their website.  I'll call later today and see if they can email or fax me a copy of it...then I'll update you in cyber world!

So - right now it looks like IF I take the kids out to dinner tonight...Macaroni Grill wins...  BUT I think that I'll just avoid the fight and stay home tonight...  ugghhh

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A few days in and...

Still not all...

Shopping is a little easier - just because I know a few items that I CAN buy...and I'm not spending hours at the store just looking at the back of containers to see if it contains wheat...

Getting the kids to actually eat...well...not always so easy.

The last two mornings, I made scrambled eggs with some American cheese melted in, a piece of bacon (the kind you heat up in the microwave...I only have so much time...), and fruit (yesterday was 1/2 an orange, today was a banana).  AND if they finish their breakfast with time to spare - they get a yogurt (basically my "dessert" for breakfast because they love it so much).  Both kids loved it...and although they both asked for bagels (which we typically have with eggs)...they didn't seem to miss them.

Lunches have been a little challenging.  Yesterday Jeff made them each 1/2 a grilled cheese sandwich from the gluten free bread we have...neither child really liked it at all - BUT they WERE excited about the fruit kabobs (sliced apples, strawberries & watermelon) and the sandwich bag of popcorn.  Today they got the GF bread with their BELOVED peanut butter and nutella (they were both happy campers).  Also - I found "matchstick" carrots at Publix - and put them in Carson's lunch, then "wedge" cut carrots in Kendall's lunch.  First of all - Carson typically won't EVER eat a whole carrot for us...but he gobbled up ALL of the carrots today!! YEAH!!!

Anyway - I'm doing what I can to try to be creative...and I figure that if they don't eat...they will eventually get hungry enough that they do! haha

We met with Kendall's psychiatrist yesterday - and I asked him about the GF/G-light diet.  He pretty much thinks that if she is getting exposed to ANY gluten it will affect her...  Do you know how almost impossible it is to go completely GF - especially for a 6 year old???  For example - on Sunday we had a great GF breakfast...went to church...where they gave the kids chocolate donuts!  WHAT?!?!  So much for that...  We can tell the church (and school) that she is GF...but tell me that Kendall/Carson will be able to calmly sit by watching their friends eating donuts/cupcakes/etc. while they can't have a bite... yeah right!  Her doctor also said it will take about 2 weeks of doing the change in diet before we might notice any we will keep plugging on...trying to be as GF as possible...and hope that even if she gets a little here and there it won't make a ton of difference.

Anyway - I wanted to share a recipe for a GF Crock Pot meal that I "invented" today and we had for dinner tonight.  Jeff was RAVING about it (kids wouldn't touch it...but no real surprise there).  It was literally fall-apart tender and SO flavorful!!!   I hope you enjoy it!


2 lbs. Pork Tenderloin (NOT flavored)
4 cored, peeled and sliced red apples
1 yellow onion, sliced
1 packet Lipton Onion Soup mix
approx. 1 1/2 cups apple juice
Salt & Pepper

Take slices from 3 of the apples and the sliced onion and lay on the bottom of your crock pot.  Season your tenderloin with salt & pepper, then place it on top of the apples and onion.  Sprinkle the Onion soup mix on top of the tenderloin.  Lay all of the remaining apple slices on top of the soup mix/tenderloin.  Drizzle a little of the juice on top of the tenderloin and pour the rest on either side of the  tenderloin.  Cover crock pot and cook on low for 10-12 hours.

Monday, August 20, 2012

1st GF Lunch!

So - last night after dinner and before the official "clean up"...I made the kids lunches.

Cut up strawberries & blueberries
Quaker Cheddar Cheese Rice Snacks
Sandwich Kabobs

My "Sandwich Kabob" was made using GF bread (that I had made in my bread maker that afternoon - recipe below), GF Boars Head lunch meat, and a cheese stick.  I just cut all the pieces up small, and threaded them on a bamboo skewer.  I thought they were fun....I  just hope my kids eat them!!! haha

Breakfast this morning was not as much of a success in my opinion...
Kendall had a blueberry muffin, a banana, and a yogurt. Carson had a bowl of GF Rice Krispy cereal and a banana.  The blueberry muffin that my daughter inhaled yesterday...only got a couple of nibbles this morning (in fact - Jeff finished it for her)...and the cereal...well...we had to force Carson to eat even half of it.   I think Kendall will do okay with this new way of eating - she is (finally) getting pretty good about eating anything we put in front of her (this has been a good 2-3 year battle...).  BUT Carson is more stubborn than Kendall ever will be a fight with him I think...

Anyway - here is the recipe (that I got from my good friend J. Quinn).  I didn't have everything on the ingredients did a little substitutions (I didn't have the same GF Bread flour).  Also - I told the bread machine to make the bread "medium" time I'll do light - it came out pretty dark - almost burnt - BUT it still tasted really good!

Gluten-Free Bread
(for the Bread machine)

  • 1 packet or 2¼ tsp dry yeast (not quick rise)
  • 7 TBSP milk, boiled for 45 seconds in microwave
  • 1 TBSP Pamela’s Baking Flour and 1 TBSP Sugar (for yeast mixture)
  • 3 Large Eggs (room temperature)
  • ¼  Butter, melted
  • 1 Cup Warm Milk
  • 2 TBSP Honey
  • 2 Cups Pamela’s Baking Flour
  • 1 ½ Cups Pamela’s Bread Flour 
  • ¼ Cup Sugar
  • 1 ¼ tsps Xanthan Gum
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • ½ tsp Salt

1.     Heat milk (110F); add the yeast, 1 TBSP flour and 1 TBSP sugar.  Stir until well blended, cover with a light towel and set aside for 5-10 minutes.
2.     Mix eggs, Butter, warm milk, honey and yeast mixture in Bread machine.
3.     Mix both flours, xanthan gum, salt, sugar and baking soda in a bowl.  Add to liquid in the bread machine.
4.     After bread machine begins scrape down the sides as it all mixes in.
5.     When the bread is finished place upside-down on a cooling rack when complete.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's worth a try...

About a month ago - I decided that I would try to start transitioning our family to a Gluten-free diet. "Why?" you ask.  Well...several reasons...

1) I've always dealt with just a touch of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)...never officially diagnosed...but since I decreased how much pasta and bread I've been eating when I went on my diet last year - I've have a MARKED decrease in my symptoms. Is this a gluten sensitivity??? Don't know for sure...but I wouldn't be surprised...
2) Kendall...  She was tested for celiac disease and was negative - but I don't know if they tested her for a gluten sensitivity.  My hope - is that doing a gluten-free or gluten-light diet for her will not only help with her symptoms of encopresis, but also help with her ADHD (which was officially diagnosed with and started treatment for about 4 months ago).   Unfortunately - it appears that Kendall's ADHD symptoms are getting worse...not better (we meet with her psychiatrist Tuesday to consult on this).  I really don't want to continue bumping up her medicine IF the simple (well...not really simple) act of changing her diet will help her.

I do not know that changing our diet will may not do a darn thing except deplete our bank account (GF foods are way more expensive).  BUT it is worth a try - especially if it means our daughter will be helped.

So...back to a month ago - I decided I would start trying the transition.  I have a good friend that has had her whole family on a GF diet for the last 4 years, and she herself has been GF for 4 months.  I started there...she gave me a BUNCH of recipes that they have tried and also some advice (i.e. order some of the flours, etc. online  - much cheaper).  She will continue to be my sounding board I'm sure. thinking of starting the transition also came at a time of a LOT of travel for myself and the family.    We have finally been back home with no travels for a few Jeff reminded me that we needed to get started (especially with the kids lunches).  Last night we sat down and looked at our calendar over the next week and actually planned our meals for every night this week.  This way we can be as good as possible with the GF (and not make something last minute or order/eat out and risk the GF).  I also have a list going of GF lunch ideas for the kids...think "bento boxes".  Not typical sandwich and chips lunches anymore...  Here is my list for school lunch ideas (keep in mind I have VERY picky eaters):

1/2 Grilled Cheese (made with GF bread)
Waffle Sandwich (using GF frozen Vans Waffles)
Lunch meat roll ups (my plan is to roll them up, cut them, and put on a bamboo skewer)
Boiled Egg (???)
Deviled Egg (??? - not sure if my kids will eat them...)
Hot dog (heated up in the morning, wrapped in tin-foil or a corn tortilla maybe? and put in a thermos to keep warm)
Spinach salad with sliced strawberries and a balsamic dressing (Kendall will eat this...probably not Carson)
Fruit Kabobs (cut up fruit and tread on a bamboo skewer)
Fruit Roll-ups or Fruit gushers
Chex Mix
GF Rice Krispy Treat
Ants on a log (w/ Sunbutter - their school is peanut free)
Stick/string/cubed cheese
Go-gurts, yogurts
Rice cakes (plain/flavored, or spread with Sunbutter or cream cheese)
Carrots (alone or grated and mixed with cream cheese for spread and dip...IF my kids will eat it)
Cucumber slices (??? - will they eat it??)
Apple sandwiches (core and peel the apple, slice into 4 circles, and spread two of them with peanut butter and raisins (maybe...), and make them sandwiches)

Breakfasts seem challenging to at first thought...but here is a list of ideas we have for breakfasts:

Scrambled Eggs
Fruit smoothie
GF blueberry muffins (recipe below)
GF Pancakes (using GF Bisquick mix - make ahead on weekend, freeze, and heat up as needed during the week)
GF Cereal (Chex has a HUGE variety that my kids seem to like, Rice Krispy's has a GF brand now)
Fruit, fruit, fruit

So after church today - I cleaned out a lot of our pantry.  If it wasn't open and would save - it was put into a big box in the garage (so that if we find out a GF diet doesn't help at all - we don't have to go spend a bunch of money replenishing our pantry.  If the GF diet DOES work for us - then I can donate the items to a local food pantry).  If it was open and was something that was rarely eaten, then I just threw it out (was probably stale anyway...).  If it was open and was something that we would go through within the next few weeks (i.e. cereals) then I kept it in the pantry.  Then I went to the grocery store...

The biggest thing I'm taking away from this is reading the back of all foods.  Wow.  I'm amazed at what all has wheat/gluten in them!  It is in just about EVERYTHING! Especially the processed foods that we tend to feed our kids...  This is why I'm starting their lunches GF from day one...and trying to make it fun (like the kabobs, etc.) - hopefully they will never notice a difference.

Anyway - as promised - here is link to a recipe I found online for GF Blueberry Muffins (and the substitutions I used).

Erin McKenna's Gluten-Free Blueberry Muffins

In the recipe she calls for agave nectar - I used honey.  She also calls for coconut oil - I used vegetable oil (may not have been correct...but seemed to have worked).  Here is a picture of the final product:

Now - I will say flat out that I am not a Blueberry Muffin fan - but my husband and kids are.  I let them try one today (if they weren't good...then I wouldn't be counting on them for breakfast in the morning). Jeff and Kendall said they were really good (Jeff said his favorite part is that it wasn't coated in sugar on the top like most are).  Carson (my typical disagreeable child) said that he didn't like them...but then again...he was forced to even try a bite... ah well.  I did try a bite of one - and although the texture is a little different than a standard muffin - the flavor was okay.

I will continue to try to post pictures of my lunches, food I make, etc. and our GF journey. (Thank you Amanda for the idea of doing this blog).  If anyone has ideas, recipes, etc. (especially GF Crock Pot recipes!!!) PLEASE let me know.